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10 times when Chinese YouTuber Li Ziqi impressed us with her life skills

If you are looking for an example of sustainable living, watch Li Ziqi living her life on her YouTube videos.

Living in a rural part of Sichuan province in southwestern China, this Chinese internet celebrity makes everything from scratch and films it in a very artistic way which oozes a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon type of serenity.

She told Goldthread in a rare interview in Sept 2019 that she simply wanted people in the city to know where their food comes from.

While her talents in the kitchen making food is impressive, her life skills of crafting and making something are equally awe-inspiring.

Here are ten times when Li Ziqi blew our minds with her skills:

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Li Ziqi. Credits: Youtube

1.When Li Ziqi made an entire cloak from wool

Viewers can watch the whole process of processing the wool, drying it , winding it with a spool, dyeing it and finally knitting the wool into a cloak.

According to the video description, she incorporated braiding into the knitting technique (meaning braid first and then knit) for everyone’s convenience.

Additionally, she said it was an easy and simple way for making clothing, blankets and scarves.

Perhaps Li Ziqi’s definition of ‘easy’ is completely different from the rest of us.

2.When she made one whole living room furniture set out of bamboo

This YouTuber never failed to surprise us with her life skills and in this video, she actually made one whole set of furniture from bamboo.

So where did she gets her bamboo from? She harvested them by herself, of course.

It is so impressive to watch her, from dragging all the bamboo, from the forest to sawing and putting everything together.

3.When she built her own oven like a badass

One of the perks of building your own oven is that you can shape it however you want. Here Li Ziqi decided to build her oven in the shape of a cute dog head.

Like all of her videos where she does not speak to the camera explaining to her audience what is she doing, in this video viewers are also left with lots of questions. For instance, what are the function of the glass bottles? Why mix the clay with the grass straw?

But who actually cares right? Nobody is going to build his own clay oven after watching the video.

Watch the video here.

4.When she makes shoes for her grandma

Remember those days when people used to make their own shoes? You don’t remember? Me neither.

In this video, viewers can see the tedious work that goes into making your own shoes. At the end of the video, some viewers might thank the heavens above that there are shoe outlets and factories to make shoes nowadays.

Watch the video here.

5.When Li Ziqi made her own woodblock printing

Woodblock printing in China has been around since the 7th century. It is a method used on textiles and later paper to publish books and other texts.

Here Li Ziqi makes her own woodblocks to print a letter. Again, another tedious job of carving the letters out (in Chinese calligraphy, remember!) to make small wooden stamps that only people like Li Ziqi has the patience to do.

Watch the video here.

6.When she reared silkworms to make a quilt out of silk

Here Li Ziqi introduces her viewers to sericulture or silk farming where she cultivates silkworms to produce silk. Did you know that silk was believed to have first been produced in China as early as the Neolithic Period?

We might not know how long it took for her to rear them, harvest the silk and then turn them into a comforter, pants and shirt for her grandma. But we do know that she needs to place the silkworms and mulberry leaves on trays, then put the silkworms on twig frames for them to form cocoons.

Once the cocoons are ready, she soaks them and winds the silk on spools. She then stretches them before sewing them into a comforter.

Watch the video here.

7.When Li Ziqi dyed a dress from grape peels

Every culture has its own natural dyes, whether they are derived from the leaves, roots or fruits of a plant that are used to colour food or textile.

While artificial colouring is widely available, it seems like we are going back to the olden days. This is because natural dye is in the ‘in’ thing now as it is more environmentally-friendly.

If you are looking to dye your textile using a commonly found natural ingredient, try grape peels like Li Ziqi did.

Watch the video here.

8.When she took up Shu embroidery, a traditional Chinese craft

It is never too late to take a traditional craft skill. Take it from Li Ziqi who took classes with a Shu embroidery master to learn this ancient skill.

Also know as Sichuan embroidery, it is among the oldest known embroidery styles in Chinese history.

Using satin cloth and coloured silk thread, the handwork is painstakingly refined.

Watch the video here.

9.When she makes cosmetics the Chinese traditional way

If you are wondering how did the Chinese actresses in your old kungfu dramas have full makeup? This video will answer your questions.

It also tells you how the red paper used as lipstick in period drama was made.

Watch the video here.

10.When Li Ziqi made her own aromatherapy

Li Ziqi is known for her cinematic, captivating scenery in her videos. This video of her making aromatic dew is perhaps one of her most beautifully shot videos.

Watch her collect magnolia lilies, roses, grapefruit flowers, rosemary and Centella leaves and purify them to collect their essences.

Watch the video here.

Do you have any favourite videos of Li Ziqi? Let us know in the comment box.

How to support your friend’s online business

The best thing about online businesses is that you can start one without having any startup capital. That is why many have turned to online business as a means of income or just to earn some extra dough.

Besides selling your own product and services online, other types of online businesses include dropshipping, blogging and making online videos.

Everyone has at least one or two friends in their circle who are making their money through online businesses.

Be a good friend and show your support with these easy ways:

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Many have turned to online businesses as an extra source of income.

1.Do not just click ‘Like’, leave a comment on their social media pages, especially Facebook.

Fine, you have shown your support by clicking the ‘like’ button on your friend’s post. But you know what is better? Leaving a comment.

Every social media platform has its own unique algorithm to curate unique content for every one of its users. In other words, what appears on your feed is different from your friend’s feeds even if you are following the same accounts.

If it is on Facebook, the best way to show your support is leaving an engaging comment on their posts.

Facebook occasionally updates their algorithm, but the bottom line of its news feed algorithm is ‘meaningful interactions’.

Be a conversation starter on your friends’ online business page. If they are asking your feedback or opinion on something, leave a comment or tag another friend to talk about it.

The more interaction an online business has on Facebook, the more visible their posts are on their followers’ news feed.

2.Share the link not only on social media but on other platforms as well

It doesn’t matter if they are selling cosmetics or starting a vlog on YouTube, share the link! Share it to your family and friends. If you are active on LinkedIn, Quora or Reddit and you see a question or topic relevant to your friend’s online business, share the link.

Be honest and do not sound ‘spammy’. Let say someone is asking for travel recommendation on Quora, answer honestly “Hey, my friend has been there! You can check out her travel video if you want.”

Or someone is looking for a product, you can honestly answer “Look my friend has a homemade cosmetic line, you can check it out.”

3.Buy their products/watch their videos/read their blogs

If you can afford your friends’ product, then show your support by buying them.

Let’s say your friend has published videos online, watch them. Here is a trick, you can put them on a playlist and play the videos (and mute them) even when you are busy.

If there is an ad, watch the ad. YouTubers, for instance, make money based on people’s engagement with the ad. This means they only earn money if someone click their ads or watches an ad for more than 30 seconds.

How about if your friend is running a website or a blog? Then log on to their site, even if you have clicked them before. If there is an ad that interests you, click on it.

4.Offer feedback

Once you have experienced your friend’s products, give some feedback. Leave a review on their website or social media pages. Talk to your friends personally on what you think about their products.

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Buy through your friends.

5.Talk about your friend’s online business with other people.

If you have a chance to talk about your friend’s business with other people, then tell them about it. Remember them during your business or personal conversation.

Suggest them to others if you truly believe in their products. One of the ways to support your friends in growing their business is through word-of-mouth.

6 environmental issues of 2019 that you should know about

Looking back at 2019, there were so many environmental issues and news happening around the world that even the most closed off person would have heard about it.

Getting to know more about these issues and doing something about them will be way more meaningful than criticizing TIME Magazine’s person of the year for 2019 Greta Thunberg and her campaign. (ahem, Trump)

As we close the year, let us all take a look back on the major environmental issues for 2019 you should know (and hopefully concerned) about:

1.Our oceans are running out of oxygen
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The oxygen in our ocean is depleting.

While the species on land are breathing freely, the species in the oceans are slowly suffering from low level of oxygen.

In a report by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the loss of oxygen from the world’s ocean is increasingly threatening fish species and disrupting ecosystems.

Driven by climate change and nutrient pollution, ocean oxygen loss is a growing problem for species such as tuna, marlins and sharks.

These species are particularly sensitive to low oxygen because of their large size and energy demands.

They are slowly being driven into increasingly shallow surface layers of oxygen-rich water causing them to become more vulnerable to over-fishing and becoming bycatch.

On top of this, very low ocean oxygen levels can also affect basic processes like the cycling of elements crucial for life on Earth such as nitrogen and phosphorus.

2.Almost half of the world’s Heritage sites could lose their glaciers by 2100
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Glasiers are slowly disappearing from World Heritage sites such as in the Swiss Alps.

We know that our glaciers are disappearing, but according to a study by IUCN they are disappearing from almost half of the world’s heritage sites.

These sites include Grosser Aletschgletscher in the Swiss Alps, Khumbu Glacier in the Himalayas or Greenland’s Jakobshavn Isbrae.

Researchers predicted glacier extinction by 2100 under a high emission scenario in 21 of the 46 natural World Heritage sites where glaciers are currently sites.

Even under a low emission scenario, eight of the 46 World Heritage Sites will completely lose their ice by 2100.

In order to save our glaciers, there is a need to see significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

3.More and more animals are found with plastics inside their stomachs
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2020 is the year that everyone should dispose their plastic waste properly and say ‘No’ to single-use plastic bags.

Whales, birds, deer, turtles and cows; these are among the animals found to have died from plastic ingestion this year.

Plastic pollution remained one of our top environmental issues for 2019. Clearly, we are not doing enough to curb the problem.

It is unsure if animals with plastic-filled stomachs are becoming more common sightings, or if we are more aware of the issue now.

Nonetheless, according to National Geographic, we are producing more plastics than ever.

In 1950, we produced 2.3 million tonnes of it. In 2015, we produced 448 million tonnes. Production is expected to double by 2050.

Unless we do something about our plastic pollution, we will see more and more animals with plastics in their stomachs making headlines in 2020.

4.Only one-third of the world’s longest rivers remain free-flowing
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Just one-third of our rivers are free-flowing, some of them are blocked by a dam like this.

According to a study by scientific journal Nature, only 37% of the world’s 246 longest rivers remain free-flowing.

So what caused our river not to flow? Dams and reservoirs are greatly reducing the benefits that healthy rivers provide.

Now, only 21 of the world’s 91 rivers longer than 1,000 km still have a direct connection from source to sea.

Most of these rivers are in the Arctic, Amazon basin and the Congo basin.

Additionally, the study estimates they are about 60,000 large dams worldwide with more than 3,700 hydropower dams on the way.

Another terrifying fact is that recent analysis of 16,704 populations of wildlife globally showed that populations of freshwater species experienced the most pronounced declined of all vertebrates over the past half-century.

5.Forest fires became one of our top environmental issues for 2019
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Forest fires are happening around the world from the Amazon to Borneo.

From Indonesia to Siberia, our forests are burning. According to Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research the number of fires in the country had jumped 84% in August this year over the same period in 2018.

Meanwhile according to Global Forest Watch, the tropics have lost some 8.9 million acres of primary rainforest.

Even Siberia is burning with massive blazes producing more than 166 tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2019. That is almost equal to the annual emission of 36 million cars!

6.One billion people will be threatened by climate change by 2050

With the oceans warming and glaciers are melting, no part of the world will be spared by rising sea-levels.

These impacts of climate change could affect one billion people by 2050.

A new United Nation (UN) report released in September 2019 makes it clear that changes will continue, and they will be irreversible even if the climate stabilizes.

For example, ice-dependent polar species such as walruses and penguins are threatened with extinction as their sea ice habitat disappears.

All photos are from Pixabay.

What you need to know about the Japanese souffle pancake

What happens when you combine a souffle with a pancake? A souffle pancake of course! This jiggly dessert has been making waves around the world recently, all thanks to social media.

Here are 5 things to know about this trendy, Insta-worthy Japanese souffle pancake:
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Japanese souffle pancake with whipped cream and strawberry for toppings. Credits: Pixabay.
1.Nobody really knows who started the Japanese souffle pancake… we only know it is from Japan.

While many have speculated on the origins of this dessert, no one precisely knows who invented the recipe.

Rumour has it that it was inspired by the Japanese cartoon, Crayon Shin-chan. The character was a slightly plump, small child shaped just like a Japanese souffle pancake. Another rumour was that the Japanese souffle pancake had its beginnings in Hawaii, US.

One thing for sure was that it made its first appearances in Japan some time in 2013. Since then, you can find it in all over the world including here in Kuching.

2.There are different toppings to choose from.

What makes it trendy on Instagram (more than 73,600 photos on Instagram and counting)?

The toppings make the pancakes photogenic on social media. From ice-creams to maple syrup, there are so many fancy toppings to choose.

Even chewy boba pearls have been selected as toppings for this pancake.

When you choose a topping, imagine what would be nice with this fluffy, soft yet thick dessert. If you choose cheesy toppings such as creme brulee or tiramisu, it might be too heavy for some people.

As for drinks to go with the dessert, opt for something slightly bitter like any types of black teas.

3.It is one of the food trends to look out for in 2020.

Yelp, a business directory service and crowd-sourced review forum, came up with its list of 2020 food trends to watch, and the Japanese souffle pancake made it to the list.

They came up with the list by analysing the foods Yelp users mentioning on the platform.

According to Yelp, the reviews on this Japanese culinary trend increased by 156.2 per cent in the last year.

4.You can try to make it at home.

If you are passionate about baking and pastries, you can try to make a Japanese souffle pancake at home. But brace yourself for failures. These fluffy stacks require skill and patience.

Firstly, the eggs in the recipe have to be separated. The egg whites and sugar are beaten into a meringue texture while the yolks are mixed with flour and milk.

You also need to chill the whites before whipping them in to keep the batter firm.

Additionally, the whipping time needs to be taken into account. You cannot even let it sit for 30 seconds or else it will be ruined.

Another thing for sure is that the temperature has to be precise. If it is overcooked by even a few seconds, it will deflate. If it is under cooked, it turns battery and wet.

5.Order it only when you have patience to wait.

Knowing how long it takes to make one, take note when you decide to order this dessert. It can take at least 15 minutes for you to wait till your Japanese souffle pancakes come.

Since it looks good on your Instagram feed, do not forget to take a photo before you dig in, or do a Boomerang or slow-mo effect focusing on the pancakes’ jiggles.

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Take that perfect Instagram shot with the pancakes as your star.

Pusas, tapas, sakana, anju: food that goes well with alcohol

Pusas is commonly known in Sabah as any food that accompanies your alcoholic drinks.

Personally, my favourite pusas are cheesy tofu and fried chicken wings when it comes to light beers. If it is dark beer like Guinness or Kilkenny, I prefer something salty and light like salted peanuts or potato chips.

Meanwhile other cultures such as Spain, South Korea and Japan, also have their own terms referring to food or tidbits served as an accompaniment to alcohol.

So, let us explore the different kinds of pusas, tapas, sakana or anju:
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Do you like a full meal with your beer or just some snacks?
Pusas (East Malaysian state of Sabah)

First of all, can we all agree that different kinds of alcohol need different types of pusas or food to go with?

For something light or a local favourite during celebrations, there is fried anchovies with salted peanuts.

The easiest way to make this snack is to fry the anchovies and peanuts separately till they are both equally crunchy. Then mix them together while seasoning them with salt.

Another favourite pusas found in Sabah is none other than sinalau bakas. It is basically smoked wild boar cut into strips and washes down easily with beer.

Basically, there are plenty of pusas out there to choose from. But in the Malaysian regions of Borneo, pork dishes are usually nominated as the representative of all pusas.

Tapas (Spain)

Tapas actually refer to appetisers or snacks in Spanish cuisine. From food meant to be served in small sizes, tapas has evolved and become known as food that goes with alcohol as they are often served in bars.

Some of the common Spanish tapas are olives, meatballs, salted cod loin, slow-cooked beef and fried tiny squid.

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How about some olives to go with your dark beer?
Sakana (Japan)

Just like pusas, sakana is a Japanese term referring to food eaten as an accompaniment to alcohol.

The common sakana are yakitori (grilled skewers of chicken meat and parts), kushiage (deep-fried skewers of meat or vegetables) and sashimi (raw fish).

As for sakana, the most popular that goes with sake are any roe fish and shiokara (fermented and salted squid innards).

Meanwhile, edamame (salted and boiled soybean pods) and nankotsu (chicken cartilage) make the perfect pairings with beer.

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Choose your sake to go with your meal.
Anju (South Korea)
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Korean soju and the different kinds of anju.

If you’ve watched enough Korean dramas, then you might notice the different parings of anju to different kinds of alcohol.

For soju, it goes best with samgyeopsal or grilled pork belly. The clear and neat taste of soju somehow cuts down the greasiness of the pork belly taste in your mouth.

Since South Korea is home for all kinds of seasoned chicken, there are plenty of choices of which one to accompany your alcohol. These flavourful fried chicken make the perfect pair with beer.

Another common pairing of anju and alcoholic drink you might see in Korean dramas is pajeon (Korean pancake) and makgeolli (Korean white-coloured rice wine).

Share with us in the comment box what are your favourite food or snacks to go with your alcoholic drinks.

All photos credit to

10 Malaysian wedding guest etiquette rules you should remember

So, you’ve just received an invitation to a wedding. You may find yourself excited, especially if it is a union for someone (or a couple of people) you care about in your life.

It is also a chance to enjoy good food, catch up with relatives, meet old friends and make new ones.

Since it is a joyous celebration for two people, you should be honoured to be invited, so remember your etiquette as a wedding guest.

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A wedding celebration is a joyous ceremony for two people who decided to spend the rest of their lives together.
Here at KajoMag, we want to remind you 10 wedding guest etiquette rules you ought to know before and during the celebration.
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Keep your etiquette as a wedding guest in check.
1.For goodness sake, do RSVP on time.

This is the number one wedding guest etiquette rule, do RSVP.

Let the couple know once you have confirmed your attendance before their due date.

By doing this, you are helping the couple in their wedding preparation.

But what if something came up in the last minute and you cannot make it? Let the couple know, even if it is only a few days away. If the wedding reception takes place in a seated arrangement, the couple could find somebody to replace you.

2.Do not make too many requests.

Preparing for a wedding could be a stressful thing for a couple, the least you could do as a wedding guest is not make unnecessary requests.

If you are a vegan or on a restricted diet due to religious or health reasons, it is understandable to make certain requests before the wedding.

Before making any request for the wedding as a guest, ask these questions first; is it really important? Can you deal with it without bothering the couple? If the answer is no and yes, in that order, then do not make the request.

On top of the wedding preparation, the couple might also be going through a hundred other things in their lives. So be considerate of them. In the end of the day, it is their wedding not yours.

3.Do not complain to the couple, especially on the wedding day.

Remember the saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? Someone’s wedding day is the best day to practice this saying.

Before the wedding, there are plenty of things not to complain about as a wedding guest. Not happy with the dress code or the dress theme? Improvise and bear with it.

Not happy with the seating arrangement at the wedding reception? Bear with it because it is just for a few hours.

The food or drinks not to your liking? A helpful cheat, especially useful if the event runs late, is to eat a little meal before you go, that way you aren’t starving at the event. It also helps when the food isn’t to your taste, then you can nibble here and there.

If you are not happy with anything or there is something that needs to be fixed right away, be that person who helps to deal with it. The couple will really appreciate your gesture.

The worst thing you could do as a guest is to go up to the couple on the day of their nuptials and complain about their wedding.

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Whatever you do, do not make it a stressful day for wedding couple.
4.Again for goodness sake, do be on time.

Here in Malaysia, we have seen too many cases of guests arriving late, be it for the wedding ceremony or reception.

It is just rude. Of course, it is also rude for couples to keep their wedding guests waiting.

(For couples that do invite VIPs, especially active ministers or assemblymen, come up with a backup plan if their duties will make them late for your event. Don’t let your guests starve while waiting for them to arrive. Similarly, you have to remember that it’s your wedding, not a government function.)

So for a wedding, let us all be on time whether you are getting married or not.

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Always on time for a wedding especially if it takes place in a church or any religious houses.
5.Do not assume you can bring a date.

Never assume who you can bring for a wedding reception.

Check your invitation card. If the invitation doesn’t state a plus-one, then do not bring one. Do not assume your children are welcome too. If you really need to bring a date or you do not have anyone to babysit your children, let the couple know beforehand so that they can make arrangements.

And please do not assume all your mutual friends are invited as well. It is possible that you are one of the few in your group of friends or colleagues who are invited due to plenty of reasons.

It could be because the venue is small or there is a budget issue. Do not make things awkward for the couple by bringing in the whole gang but in the end some of them are not on the invitation list.

6.Do turn off your phone.

Always remember to turn off your phone especially if the wedding ceremony takes place in religious houses. Even during the wedding reception, do not be a party pooper by looking at your phone all the time. You have plenty of time to do that at home.

7.Watch where you point your camera.

In this era of smartphones, this is perhaps the wedding guest etiquette some people do not practice.

Just because you have a camera on your phone, do not feel entitled to take photos everywhere and anytime during wedding celebrations.

If the wedding ceremony takes place in a religious house, take note of the do’s and don’ts of that place.

For example, do not rush right up to the altar in a church and stand next to the priest just to take a photo for your Facebook friends. (Yes, we have seen this type of wedding guests.)

Above all, never ever stand in the way of the couple’s official photographer. As a wedding guest you should not ruin the couple’s only chance to capture their special moments.

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Never block the official photographer during a wedding.
8.Do not get wasted.

If you are in East Malaysia, raise your hand if you have seen fights break out during the wedding celebration, all thanks to alcohol.

In most kampungs (villages) and longhouses, there are strict rules against fighting during any celebration. You could be fined for breaking these rules.

Even if you are not the type to get into fights when intoxicated, wedding celebrations are just not the place to get wasted.

It doesn’t matter if you saw your former flame come with a hotter or better looking version of you as a date, or you have an ongoing court case over ancestral land with a relative who came for the wedding, there is no valid reason to get inebriated.

If you are drinking, know your limits and stick to them.

If you see an unfinished or unopened bottle of alcohol, leave it for the families or other wedding guests. Unless you have requested it from the newlyweds or families, do not do the Malaysian style of tapao.

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Keep your alcohol level in check as a wedding guest.
9.Do not leave too early.

If it is an emergency, you are free to excuse yourself but let the couple or their families know.

Different cultures have different timing as when it is considered appropriate to leave a wedding celebration.

During some Malaysian weddings, there are guests who have left even before the couple have come over to the table to make a toast (usually to beat the traffic jam in the parking lot). So imagine how disappointed the newlyweds are to see a half-empty table halfway through the reception.

10.Do bring home your wedding favour.

No matter how small the wedding favour is, do not forget to bring them home.

Do not have that mindset, “It is just a small bag of sweets,” or “it doesn’t cost much.”

Every piece of wedding favour is a sign of appreciation from the couple for their wedding guests. They could have opted to forego the whole thing and let you leave empty-handed. Yet, they chose not to do so, so appreciate them.

Remember that a wedding celebration should be a joyous one. Add on the joy and happiness of the celebration by enjoying yourself as a wedding guest.

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Eat, drink and be merry!

All photos from

KajoAsks: Erpha Ahdayani on selling Barbie gowns internationally from her Bintulu home

Erpha Ahdayani Othman, 42, might look like any stay-at-home mother in Bintulu. However, most people would not know that she actually creates gowns for Silkstone Barbie dolls, selling them to customers all over the world.

Unlike the everyday Barbie doll, Silkstone Barbie dolls are collectible items made of harder plastic (called Silkstone) to mimic porcelain, and they are specifically fashion model toys.

So far this mother of two has produced hundreds of gowns for Silkstone Barbie dolls with the largest order received from the United States.

Sewing a small gown is completely different from sewing a human-sized dress. According to Erpha, a difference in one millimetre can make a huge difference. Additionally, the stitching pattern should be correct in order for the quality of the gowns to be maintained.

Recently, KajoMag had the opportunity to ask Erpha few questions about her craft.
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Erpha and her barbie doll gowns.
KajoMag: How long have you been sewing? 

Erpha Ahdayani: I started sewing when I was 8. Even back then my early sewing was for dolls. Later, I learned sewing from an aunt and since then I had been sewing for my siblings and my mom. 

Years passed and after I finished my studies in UiTM in 1997, I worked for a while.

When my baby was born in 2004, I decided to take care of my baby boy at home. That was when I picked up my sewing skills again and took orders for making baju kurungs.

After many years, I learned a new hobby, which is smocking and decided to focus on sewing for children. At the same time I kept on sewing Barbie dresses, only this time sewing for doll collectors.

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A close-up of one Erpha’s Barbie gowns, which is a sheath dress with a sweetheart neckline in Chinese brocade.
KajoMag: What was the most difficult part of starting your own business? 

Erpha Ahdayani: The most difficult part of starting my own business was when nobody believed in me. For example, when I tried to register my own company, the staff at the business registration office wouldn’t let me, asking me to just quietly sew at home. 

Luckily, my husband and my family believe in what I do. So I am so happy and passionate in what I do best – sewing!  

KajoMag: How do you balance your business and motherhood? 

Erpha Ahdayani: With self-discipline and punctuality. I never sew in my pyjamas and I will make sure that my kids are bathed and fed before I start work. Plus, my husband and I have our own duties when it comes to cooking and cleaning.

KajoMag: What advice would you give someone who wants to try their hand at sewing or smocking, but think they are not creative enough? 

Erpha Ahdayani: Just continue to learn and find your passion. Be patient and there is no shortcut to become a skilled needle-worker. Remember, practice makes perfect. Always.

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One of Erpha’s barbie dresses.
KajoMag: Your items have been sold all over the world. Care to share your most memorable customer feedback you’ve received so far? 

Erpha Ahdayani: I have had quite alot of positive reviews from them, Alhamdulillah. I am so happy when they mentioned the high quality of my workmanship and the material I choose to make each dress. 

All photos are courtesy of Erpha Ahdayani. Check out more of her work on her Etsy’s shop here and follow her on Instagram.

Read more about our KajoAsks stories here.

Check out these six exhibitions during WAK 2019

What About Kuching (WAK 2019) is back for its third and the biggest edition yet.

Featuring a total of 56 collaborations and 99 events, WAK 2019 will turn Kuching city into a hub of colourful activities between Sept 28 to Oct 27.

Since its inception in 2017, WAK had been a true partnership between the public and private sectors while exemplifying its cohesiveness as Sarawakians and patriots of Sarawak.

WAK 2019 has also activated its Location X-traordinaire- the building that was once Ting & Ting Supermarket.

The month-long festival will all kinds of events such as conferences, workshops, live music, parties and sport events.

WAK 2019
But if art is what you are looking far, check out these six exhibitions during WAK 2019:
1.Art Street Kuching: Ruangseni Exhibition
Date: Sept 28 – Oct 27
Time: 8am – 5pm
Location: Location X

From fine art paintings, sculptures to a film photography segment; this WAK 2019 exhibition explores an over-arching theme that offers visitors a metaphorical and literal understanding of ‘Dreams’.

The exhibition will feature the works of Benyamin Bahri, Mj Samaroon, Norma Saini, Sonia Luhong, Syed Rusydie, Billy Simon, Iona Danald, Jack Arjuna Chan, Ida Thien and Bethany Balan.

Do watch out for their workshops which span throughout WAK 2019.

2.The Art of the Tinsmith
Date: Sept 28 – Oct 27
Time: 9am – 6pm
Location: The Japanese Building at the Old Courthouse

Let this exhibition walks you through the craft of the traditional tinsmith’s workshop.

3.Driven by Inspirations – My Artistic Journey: Ramsay Ong
Date: Oct 1 – Oct 27
Time: 10am – 6pm
Location: Location X

Sarawak’s very own renowned artist Ramsay Ong will feature 12 pieces of fine arts at this exhibition.

Visitors will be able to take an insight into his transitions through various mediums and inspirational moments that has shaped him as an artist today.

4.Sarawakiana Carnival 2019: Sale, Demonstration & Exhibition of Sarawak Arts, Sculpture and Handicrafts
Date: Oct 4 – Oct 6
Time: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Location: Sarawak State Library’s lobby

An event about Kuching or Sarawak overall can never be complete without an exhibition about Sarawak craft. This exhibition will feature the art of carving and sculpture in Sarawak.

5.Discover Kuching – Photography Exhibition
Date: Oct 5 – Oct 11
Time: 10.30am – 5.30pm
Location: Ground Floor @The Hills Mall

Organised by Swinburne Photomedia and Design Club, this exhibition aims to showcase and promote local Kuching lifestyle and culture through photography.

Besides exhibition, there will be photography and editing workshops happening at the venue.

Date: Oct 12- Oct 13
Time: 11am – 6pm
Location: Ground Floor @ Plaza Merdeka Mall

Expect to see how four fields of arts (visual art, dance, music and theater) to come together in this exhibition called Symbiosis.

Organised by Visual Art Department from Sekolah Seni Malaysia Sarawak, the exhibition promises it is a showcase to remember.

About WAK

In 2017, Donald and Marina Tan founded a festival which brings together numerous communities in Kuching city to stage their different contents under one roof called ‘What About Kuching’ or better known as WAK.

It is an ‘open access’ festival, meaning that anyone and everyone can participate and all it takes is for those interested to fill in a proposal form during the Call for Proposal period from March to May each year.

Find more about the rest of WAK 2019 events here.

10 ways to cook your canned tuna besides making a sandwich

Canned tuna has been the subject of many debates. Some argue it is high in mercury and not safe for consumption while others believe tuna canning is not an environmentally sustainable industry.

Other concerns about bycatch (like dolphins and whales getting caught in the fishing nets) and overfishing have also been an issue with the tuna industry.

You can check the source of your tuna with websites like Seafood Watch set up by Monterey Bay Aquarium, and even checking for information on the brand website itself for the type of tuna being fished and where.

Watch out for food producers like Ayam Brand where they even state what kind of tuna they are using (small yellowfish and skipjack) and even outline their tuna purchasing specifications on a page titled, “Is My Ayam Brand Tuna Sustainable?”.

For those who enjoy this flaky fish meat, here are 10 ways to cook your canned tuna besides making the usual sandwich:
1.Make an easy tuna penne pasta

Chef John from Food Wishes was one of the earliest cooking gurus on YouTube. He shared this fast and easy recipe to make penne pasta with basic ingredients of tuna in olive oil, cream of tomato soup and penne.

The rest of ingredients are seasonings which are up to you. You can make it creamy by adding Parmigiano Reggiano cheese or ‘herby’ by adding herbs such as oregano and tarragon.

Do not forget to add salt and pepper to taste!

Watch how to make it here.

2.Healthy tuna patties

If you are looking for high protein and high fiber foods to snack on, here is a recipe that you should try.

The main ingredients are two cans of tuna, one cup of rolled oats, two eggs, onions, black pepper and salt to taste.

You can have it for breakfast, lunch or as after workout snacks.

Watch how to make it here.

3.Gordan Ramsay’s spiced tuna fishcakes
Spiced tuna fishcakes. Credits: Youtube

Guess what? Even famous celebrity chef Gordan Ramsay uses canned tuna. Similar with the previous recipe, Ramsay made fishcake out of canned tuna.

For this, he adds in Asian ingredients such as chilli, spring onion, coriander and fish sauce.

4.Tuna salad

Skip the usual thousand island or vinaigrette and make your own dressing using olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Once you get the dressing done, there are plenty of ways to make canned tuna salad.

Watch how to make it here.

5.Stir-fried tuna

Here is a recipe to turn your canned tuna into a stir-fried dish to eat with rice. Stir fry these ingredients; onion, garlic, green chilies, tomato together with canned tuna.

On top of salt for seasoning, you can also add in turmeric powder and chili powder.

Watch how to make it here.

6.Tuna rolls for snacks

To make these canned tuna rolls, you need to have egg or spring roll wrappers which are very easy to get from the supermarket.

Then for its filling, combine tuna together with chopped vegetables like celery, carrots, cabbage and spring onions.

Bind it with mayo and maybe a little bit of dijon mustard before rolling it. Do not forget your salt and pepper to taste.

Once the rolls are all wrapped up nicely, you can either fry or bake it.

Watch how to make it here.

7.Tuna kimchi jjigae

We listed kimchi jjigae as one of easy Korean dinner recipes that you can try at home. By adding in some canned tuna into your kimchi stew, then you have one whole new dish to try.

Watch how to make it here.

8.Korean tuna rice balls

Tuna kimchi jjigae is not the only Korean dish you can make from canned tuna. You can also make some rice balls with it.

Just mix tuna (drained from oil or water) with leftover rice, some seaweed, salt to taste and maybe a little bit of mayonnaise to taste.

Once the mixture is done, roll the rice into small balls.

Watch how to make it here.

9.Filipino tuna sisig

Sisig is a Filipino dish originally made from parts of pig head and chicken liver. Usually it is seasoned with calamansi, onions and chilli peppers.

Instead of pig head and chicken liver, make sisig out of canned tuna. It is pretty easy to make as long as you have the basic ingredients such as onion, ginger, chilli, black pepper, sugar, calamansi, mayonnaise and cooking oil to fry.

Watch how to make it here.

10.Tuna curry

Imagine craving for curry but do not have the proteins beside canned tuna in your pantry. Then it is time to give tuna curry a try!

Different Asian cultures seem to have different interpretation of curry. Just cook the curry according to your preference but put in canned tuna instead.

Watch how to make it here.

3 things you might not know about Osborne crackers

Some Malaysians might not know the name Osborne cracker, but most would definitely recognise the shape and flavour of it.

This oval-shaped cracker is generally made from wheat flour, vegetable oil, sugar, corn starch, salt and glucose syrup.

Here are three facts you might not know about Osborne cracker:
Osborne cracker
Cap Ayam is one of the famous brands producing this cracker.
1.It has a royal origin, of sorts.

This humble piece of cracker has a history dating back to 1860.

According to The Huntley and Palmers Collection, the crackers were intended to be named after Queen Victoria.

Her Majesty declined to be associated with a commercial product but gracefully suggested that they could name the biscuit after her favourite home, Osborne House on the Isle of Wight.

The cracker was one of the first semi-sweet varieties of biscuit to find mass favour in the 19th century.

Malaysians have many names for this cracker, including roti tawar, roti kapal and biskut kering.

In Sarawak specifically, the locals call it roti sebayan, biskut mayat, biskut pending and many more.

2.In the Krayan Highlands of North Kalimantan, they call it roti tasu and there is a historical reason behind it.

In the Krayan Highlands of North Kalimantan, Indonesia, the Lundayeh community call it roti tasu or dog crackers.

The reason behind this interesting name can be traced back during Indonesian-Malaysian confrontation in early 1960s.

Located near the border of Sarawak-Indonesia, the highlands was one of the hot spots for military operations such as Operation Claret.

British and Australian troops were carrying out secret missions while hiding out in the jungle.

Nonetheless, some local Indonesians knew about this and secretly helped the Commonwealth forces during the confrontation.

According to tour guide Alex Ballang, some of the locals even helped in sending rations to the forces.

“The troops had a pet dog and the locals noticed the soldiers were feeding the dog with Osborne crackers.”

Since then, the local Krayan residents started to called it roti tasu or dog crackers.

3.There are recipes using Osborne crackers for you to try at home.

Most would agree that the best way to enjoy Osborne crackers is to dip it in a hot drink. Some even eat it just like cereal or porridge, mixing it in their beverage before eating it with a spoon.

But did you know that there are a few recipes out there using Osborne crackers as its main ingredient?

The most common recipe is bubur roti Osborne or Osborne cracker porridge.

It is made from Osborne crackers, coconut milk, sago, pandan leaves, water and sugar.

But when it comes to the weirdest recipe found online, it is none other than Osborne goreng.

The crackers are stir-fried together with garlic, onion, egg and vegetables such as bean sprouts.

Osborne cracker 2
Osborne crackers

Do you have interesting names, recipes or stories behind the Osborne cracker? Let us know in the comment box.