Collect your travel memories and put them on your scrapbook. Credits: Unsplash.

5 best ways to preserve your travel memories

The trip is over and you are on your way back to reality. Your mind is filled with travel memories and part of you wants these experiences embedded in your brain forever.

So, how do you preserve your travel memories?

Here are five Kajo-approved ways to document your travel memories for you to look back one day and say, “I’ve had the time of my life”:

1.Create a travel scrapbook
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Collect your travel memories and put them in your scrapbook. Credits: Unsplash.

The best part of making a scrapbook is that you can just let your creativity flow freely without any restriction.
Put anything, write about everywhere and scrap everything out of your travel memories.

Make a listicle out of new foods you have tried for the day and paste your receipt next to it. Pick up a travel package brochure, stick it on your scrapbook and jot down your experience of the day.

Press a flower or a leaf using your hotel iron and insert it in your scrapbook to remind you the what kind of greenery surrounded you during your travels.

There are so many ways to make a travel scrapbook.

If you are travelling with your partner or in a group, pass the scrapbook around for them to put their memories travelling with you. If you made a new friend on the road, let that stranger put a word or two in your scrapbook.

2.Make a travel photo book
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Come home and publish all your travel photos in a book. Credits: Unsplash.

A travel photo book is still one of the best ways to preserve your travel memories.
Just take tonnes and tonnes and photos during your trip and once you reach home, send them to a professional to make a photo book.

This idea is a lacking a bit of personal touch but you can rest assured your travel memories are well kept and preserved.

3.Write a personal travel journal
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Jot down your feelings while travelling. Credits: Unsplash.

Writing a personal travel journal is like having a time-out on your own. A private journal will always be your personal space where you can write down your thoughts.

Journalling can help you to get it out of the way of what you are feeling at that moment while travelling. Do you feel mellow while on the way from the airport to the hotel? What do you think about the stranger who sat next to you on the plane?
This way you can capture every travel memory in your own words and it is fun to read it back after a few years.

4.Send yourself a postcard
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You can write on your postcard, “Dear me, you rock!” Credits: Unsplash.

Sending a postcard to your loved ones are a common thing to do when travelling. But how about sending yourself a postcard?

Send yourself a postcard from every new place you visited for the first time.

You can write something quirky to yourself on the postcard like, “Hey you, your eyebrows are on point today – good job!”

5.Buy the same souvenir wherever you go
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A good old fridge magnets as a travelling souvenir. Credits: Unsplash.

Souvenirs can be overrated but not if you pick the same souvenirs from all over the world.

If you want to play safe, you can always buy the usual souvenir such as keychains and fridge magnets.
Nonetheless, there are other souvenirs out there that help to make your travel memories more personal.

If you love music, how about buying a traditional percussion from every country that you visited?

Or you can buy local crafted cider, wine or liquor and that way you still have a taste of your travel memories.

For bibliophiles, you can try to purchase your favourite book published in the local language. Imagine having Wuthering Heights in 20 different languages in your collection!

Patricia Hului is a Kayan who wants to live in a world where you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight.

She grew up in Bintulu, Sarawak and graduated from the University Malaysia Sabah with a degree in Marine Science.

She is currently obsessed with silent vlogs during this Covid-19 pandemic.

Due to her obsession, she started her Youtube channel of slient vlogs.

Follow her on Instagram at @patriciahului, Facebook at Patricia Hului at or Twitter at @patriciahului.

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